Arkansas Trucking Association

Top 10 Reasons To Advertise

Top 10 Reasons to Advertise in the Arkansas Trucking Report

icon10It's the Only One of Its Kind
If you were to choose only one place to advertise, this would be it because there simply is no other medium in this country to advertise directly to this exclusive market.

icon9You'll Be in Good Company
Just take a look around... you'd be in some pretty spectacular company as an advertiser in this publication. Take charge of making your corporate image even better by advertising in ATR now!

icon8Reach Qualified Decision-Makers
Arkansas is home to more of the nation's top 100 trucking companies than any other state. Couple that with the added distribution of firms in our neighboring states and what you get is a readership that is truly unsurpassed. Our readers will buy your products if you're in front of them in the right format. This is it.

icon7Support the Industry Upon Which You Rely
By advertising in the Arkansas Trucking Report, you're contributing to the success of the Arkansas Trucking Association, making it possible to prevent dangerous and costly tax hikes, fight off the state highway commission and allow us to throw more tailgate parties and hold more golf tournaments!

icon6It's Cheap
That's right... for a mere 15 cents (less than half the price of one U.S. postage stamp) you will communicate your corporate message to every single reader in every single issue in the form of a full page, color ad. You simply cannot buy anything else that's this cost effective. You do the math!

icon5It's the People Magazine of Trucking
Arkansas Trucking Report is a who's who of the trucking industry. Learn about your peers, your heroes and your competitors all in one place.

icon4People Read It
Of all the zillions of magazines to hit a trucking executive's desk, this is the first one that gets read. It's about our nation's leading business executives in their hometown.

icon3We're a Regional Magazine
We completely saturate the territory of Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Louisiana. Unlike any other! We also mail to key executives around the nation, for example, members of the Truckload Carriers Association receive a copy.

icon2Professional Ratio of Advertising to Editorial
We're committed to bring each issue of Arkansas Trucking Report to you with an average of 50% advertising and 50% editorial. And all of our articles are originally written just for you. What that means to you, the advertiser, is that your ad won't be lost in a sea of ads, but rather nestled in interesting-to-read editorial.

And the #1 Reason to Advertise in the Arkansas Trucking Report is...

icon1It Works!!!


For more information about advertising in Arkansas Trucking Report, contact

News In Brief

Contact Us

Arkansas Trucking Association
PO Box 3476 (72203)
1401 West Capitol Ave.
Suite 185
Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 372-3462 | Phone
(501) 376-1810 | Fax

Our Mission

  • PROTECT the collective interests of trucking companies in the political and regulatory arenas.
  • PROMOTE the dynamics of trucking so that people have a better understanding of the link between America's primary freight delivery system and the standard of living they enjoy.
  • SERVE our members to help them to grow their business and their profits
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