Arkansas Trucking Association

You are here: Home News In Brief $25,0000 prize money for best infrastructure funding ideas

$25,0000 prize money for best infrastructure funding ideas

U.S. Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Thomas Donohue has launched a contest for the “best, most viable ideas” for long-term, sustainable funding for infrastructure improvements. The winner will earn $25,000.

“As everyone knows, the challenge is how to pay for it,” Donohue said on Jan. 10.

The Chamber has lobbied for a 25 cent  increase in the fuel tax over five years to raise the funds for infrastructure maintenance and modernization, but raising the fuel tax, which hasn’t changed since 1993, has been unpopular politically in recent history.

Donohue said the contest is open to “everyone—students, academics, business leaders, the people out there doing the building—everyone.”

“You’ve heard me say for years that a modest increase to the motor vehicle fuel user fee—which hasn’t been adjusted for 25 years—can be a big part of the solution,” Donohue said. “I’ve also said the Chamber is open to viable alternatives—but I haven’t heard too many other ideas.”

Donohue said that infrastructure is a key component of the American dream and that highways, bridges, ports are evidence of America’s achievement.

"We are a nation of dreamers,” Donohue said. “Even better, we are a nation where dreams can be achieved. Let’s keep it that way.”

As of press time, no idea has claimed the $25,000 prize.

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You are here: Home News In Brief $25,0000 prize money for best infrastructure funding ideas