Walmart tests renewable energy for fleet
- Created: 07.29.2022
Walmart announced it is testing three different kinds of renewable energy to power its fleet, setting the stage to transition its trucking fleet to 100% renewable energy by 2040. Test projects include using electric, hydrogen and natural gas in the place of diesel for long haul and other Class 8 deliveries within Walmart’s supply chain.
“Our hope is that by testing and learning, we can find the right recipe to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a less impactful transportation fleet, all while still delivering the freshest food and goods to our customers,” Fernando Cortez, senior vice president of transportation, said. “And while many of these technologies are still in their early stage, through industry collaboration, support from policymakers and actively testing alternative fuel types in our transportation fleet, we hope to make a difference for Walmart and the rest of the transportation industry.”
Natural gas engines, Cortez said, have a comparable range to diesel engines of around 700 miles, which makes them a potential fit for Walmart sleeper cabs. And while hydrogen use is still in early development, he said Walmart is among the first to adopt it. The advantage of hydrogen over battery-electric is a greater range – around 400 miles, significantly less time to refuel and it weighs less.
Additionally, Walmart has also tested electric vehicles to see where they may fit into the company’s fleet. Given the weight and range capabilities of electric-battery trucks, Cortez says they’re a good for yard operations.