Bill to Expand Truck Parking Would Make Roads Safer

A bipartisan group of Congressmen have introduced H.R.2187, the Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act, which would improve highway safety by addressing a critical shortage in available parking for semis and large commercial trucks.

In 2012, Congress passed Jason’s Law in honor of Jason Rivenburg, a truck driver who lost his life in a violent crime because he couldn’t find safe parking. Jason’s Law established federal studies, stakeholder meetings and roundtables to examine truck parking issues. The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act would build on the results of these studies and establish a set-aside source of funding from existing U.S. Department of Transportation funding to create more parking spots.

“I grew up in a family trucking business and spent years driving over the road,” said Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.). “However, the number of truck parking spaces hasn’t kept pace. That means that drivers are forced to park in unsafe locations, which puts both them and other motorists at risk. Creating sufficient parking options for long-haul truckers will not only help keep truckers safe during their rest breaks but will also mean safer roads for everyone.”

The bill has drawn support from the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the American Trucking Associations, the National Association of Small Trucking Companies, American Highway Users Alliance and the Institute for Safer Trucking.