Arkansas Trucking Report
Award-Winning Regional Journal of the Arkansas Trucking Association
The Arkansas Trucking Report (ATR) is a unique, widely read, regional magazine on the people and issues in trucking today. ATR is distinctive from other trade journals in that each article is originally written. Each issue features an executive profile on one of Arkansas’ premier trucking leaders. These profiles are nationally recognized and offer insights into the personal as well as professional lives of people who are making their mark on the industry.
Other departments include Capitol Watch – covering federal or state political issues, Trade Secrets – analyzing current strategies to increase your profits, They Said It – a collection of unique and sometimes controversial quotes, News in Brief – an overview of news in capsule form, Trucking Stats – numbers to help you benchmark your company, Calendar of Events, Scene Around – industry and political events of interest, and The Last Word – guest columnists offer commentary on a transportation issue. This bi-monthly magazine is read by more than 15,000 people throughout the United States both within and outside the transportation industry.
Arkansas Trucking Report Testimonials
The Arkansas Trucking Report is published bi-monthly providing opportunities year round to keep readers up to date with your growing business and service offerings. Advertisers receive space in our Insider Trucking to double their exposure with a short editorial to share exciting news and promotional opportunities to readers.
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