Arkansas Trucking Association

Industry Councils

Industry Councils

networking . professional development . service

ATA members have the opportunity to be represented in a variety of industry councils that address issues specific to safety, maintenance and technology, and accounting and finance. Each council holds quarterly meetings, hosts speakers and panels on relevant industry topics, serves as a forum for interchanging ideas and best practices, and discusses new strategies and implementation practices.

• Members that register by the deadline and attend council meetings, can do so at no charge. Late registration and no shows will be charged $25.
• ATA also welcomes guests and non-members to council meetings. Please contact ATA for pricing details.


safety management council


The SMC is dedicated to advancing safe policies, practices and technology; and effective risk management and accident/injury prevention in the trucking industry. It promotes cooperative efforts for improved safety, efficiency and economy in all phases of highway transportation by commercial vehicles.



maintenance & technology council

The purpose of the MTC is to help its members improve corporate efficiencies by promoting the use of new technologies and equipment operations. MTC provides a forum for discussion related to maintenance and technology management: recommended vehicle specifications, preventive maintenance guidelines, vehicle maintenance reporting standards for maintenance cost reporting, fuel economy guidelines and more.



accounting & finance council

ATA’s newest council, AFC, promotes cooperative efforts among member companies to increase education and research of taxation, finance, accounting, collection, risk management and insurance issues impacting the trucking industry.



40 under 40 council

In 2010, the 40 Under 40 Council was founded as a way to identify and cultivate new, young executives of member companies and acclimate them to the intricacies of the trucking world as well as the dynamics of the association. Meeting quarterly, the Council brings in guest speakers to discuss leadership, politics, the industry and the association.

The 40 Under 40 Council provides a forum for its members can advance their careers in transportation and interest in the association through education and outreach programs that instill leadership traits to benefit members in their professional and personal lives. Criteria for consideration should include demonstrated leadership skills, commitment to a career in transportation and notable contributions to his or her company or industry.

Membership is limited to 40 people, under the age of 40, employed and nominated by an ATA carrier member or academic institution. These young executives will form the “next generation” of leaders in our industry and we encourage you to support our effort. It is important that those individuals nominated for membership be granted appropriate time and resources to participate in quarterly meetings or events. There will also be a $300 annual membership fee for the council, which covers attendance fees and meals at all events. We ask not only for company support in recognizing young professionals, but also in their absence and fees associated with attendance and participation.

Contact Us

Arkansas Trucking Association
PO Box 3476 (72203)
1401 West Capitol Ave.
Suite 185
Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 372-3462 | Phone
(501) 376-1810 | Fax

Our Mission

  • PROTECT the collective interests of trucking companies in the political and regulatory arenas.
  • PROMOTE the dynamics of trucking so that people have a better understanding of the link between America's primary freight delivery system and the standard of living they enjoy.
  • SERVE our members to help them to grow their business and their profits
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