Arkansas Trucking Association

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IRS Rule Favorable on Truck Fleets

New tax rules that start January 1 will change the way trucking companies and other U.S. businesses account for real estate and business equipment and could create room for more same-year deductions rather than multiyear depreciation, according to several tax experts.

Read more: IRS Rule Favorable on Truck Fleets

Broken-Up Brokerages

The number of freight brokers disappearing from the federal rolls has been increasing by the hundreds every day since December 1, following the new requirement to carry a $75,000 bond, boosted from $10,000 by the MAP-21 highway funding act passed last year.

Read more: Broken-Up Brokerages

Could Tolls Fund A New Interstate System

The nation's interstate system is nearing its 50-year design life meaning in the next couple of decades it's all going to need to be replaced. This will, of course, come with a very hefty price tag. A new study released by the Reason Foundation suggests allowing states to put tolls on interstate highways could provide enough to fund massive upgrades to the nation's roads and bridges.

Read more: Could Tolls Fund A New Interstate System

Contact Us

Arkansas Trucking Association
PO Box 3476 (72203)
1401 West Capitol Ave.
Suite 185
Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 372-3462 | Phone
(501) 376-1810 | Fax

Our Mission

  • PROTECT the collective interests of trucking companies in the political and regulatory arenas.
  • PROMOTE the dynamics of trucking so that people have a better understanding of the link between America's primary freight delivery system and the standard of living they enjoy.
  • SERVE our members to help them to grow their business and their profits
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